The FullScale Digi Board RSB1-Z is an interface board able to convert Proxy Board K035 output stream to standard RS485 serial output through a RJ45 cable. RJ45 cable can reach up to 300m between the RSB1 Emitter and RSB1 Receiver. RSB1-Z Digi Board has been designed for smart building application and easy building infrastructure integration.
Demo player
- This DigiBoard can be easily interfaced with FullScale SmartPlayer software. Thanks to SmartPlayer, you can seamlessly display a raw thermal stream and add some basic processing.
More details here. - Please click here to find out the comaptibility between your Player, your Digi Board and your Proxy Board.
Ordering Part Number
includes Digi Board DB_RSB1Z only
Do you want to get an assembled solution including Proxy, Digi, lens, sensor, … ??
Please refer to Demokits page.